Aug 2, 2011 - Day 3 of my final crack binge and after 5 years of chronic RELAPSING:
I laid on the lawn of a gas station waiting for my family to come and rescue me, AGAIN.
The voice in my head: "Kelly - if you don't do something about your life and your future TODAY, you're going to die a loser. You will be remembered as the guy who had so much potential, had such a great sense of humor but he wasted it. He chose drugs instead.
I KNEW how capable I was, and that made it even worse.
I never had a clear vision of where I wanted to go, therefore I didn't know where to start. My present was very bleak - no hope and no excitement because I had no idea where my life was headed. I know now that the way I feel today is directly linked to what I think my future is going to look like.
I have become a new and improved version of myself that I once thought I didn't deserve! Formerly 40 lbs. overweight, living in a shelter, smoking crack every day, drinking to numb the pain.
Today I am a marathon runner, traveling all over to run races either solo or with a group of friends. I am self employed, I am healthy, I am an important part of my family and I feel like I deserve it all.
I got crystal clear on what I WANT and it’s coming true.
I have made the Life Beyond Sobriety Community my purpose. Having been in recovery for years now, I see a huge need in the recovery community for an answer to the question:
"Okay, I'm sober...what's next?"
THIS community is "what's next" in addiction recovery.